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Small Sample Cleaving System

The Small Sample Cleaver uses a novel sample holder and a cleaving platform to safely cleave samples into chips as small as 2 x 2mm.

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Product Description

The Small Sample Cleaver uses a novel sample holder and a cleaving platform to safely cleave samples into chips as small as 2 x 2mm. It allows samples from 4-10mm to be held during indenting and cleaving.

The holder has no screws, springs or pins and accepts samples from 3-15mm in width and 200-900µm in thickness.

Features & Specifications
Accepts samples from 3-15mm in width and 200-900µm in thicknes
Four magnetic hold-downs for various sample thicknesses
Securely transfer the sample to the PELCO LatticeAx for indent, then back to the Small Sample Cleaver for cleaving
Two cleaving pins for cleaving a variety of sample types
Gauge sets the sample for an 0.5mm indent versus the standard 1mm indent on the PELCO LatticeAx
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