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NuNano AFM Probes High quality conductive AFM probes with a platinum coating for nanoscale electrical characterisation. These are manufactured to the tightest dimensional tolerances in the market, offering minimal variation in spring constant and resonant frequency.

Applications of these probes - Electrical AFM measurements including conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM), piezo-response microscopy (PFM), electrostatic force microscopy (EFM), scanning kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM), scanning impedance microscopy (SIM) etc.


2 products available

You've viewed 2 of 2 products

  1. SPARK 70 Pt - AC mode silicon AFM probes with Pt conductive coating... AGT705
    Conductive AFM probes with platinum coating. Suitable for electrical characterisation in AC modes (non-contact, tapping).
    Average lead time: 7 days


    Average lead time: 7 days
  2. SPARK 350 Pt - AC mode silicon AFM probes with Pt conductive coating... AGT704
    Conductive AFM probes with platinum coating. Suitable for electrical characterisation in AC modes (non-contact, tapping).
    Average lead time: 7 days


    Average lead time: 7 days

2 products available

You've viewed 2 of 2 products

PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.