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Various models of glow discharge units are available. A simple, free-standing glow discharge system, is typically used for hydrophobic to hydrophilic conversion of carbon coated TEM grids allowing easy spreading of aqueous suspensions. It also allows deep cleaning or ion etching of a specimen surface and is very useful for clearing contamination films or deposits. The polarity of the plasma can be changed for either surface treatment or surface etching of metallic specimens. The EasiGlow discharge cleaning system is a compact, stand alone, easy to use discharge cleaning system primarily designed for surface modification of TEM support films. The system supports both hydrophilic and hydrophobic treatments for either a negative or positive charge and includes two separately controlled gas inlets.


2 products available

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  1. ELMO Glow Discharge Cleaning System
    A Glow Discharge Cleaning System with specific gas atmosphere which will modify the surface properties of TEM support films and grids in order to optimize the adsorption of the solutions to spread.
    Average lead time: 87 days


    Average lead time: 87 days
  2. Easiglow discharge cleaning system
    A compact, stand alone, easy to use discharge cleaning system primarily designed for surface modification of TEM support films.
    Average lead time: 1 to 25 days


    Average lead time: 1 to 25 days

2 products available

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PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.