Transferman® 4m
Electronic micromanipulator for use in human ICSI according to EU Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
Electronic micromanipulator for use in human ICSI according to EU Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
Are you facing an increasing number of ICSI-cycles per day with the same high fertilization/blastocyst rates of precious oocytes? Did you ever experience work-related stress or pain in arms, neck or back due to unergonomic (setup of) micromanipulators?
The TransferMan® 4m was designed to solve main challenges of modern IVF-labs to increase fertilization/blastocyt rates, reproducibility, throughput, and to minimize work-related stress for the user. Request a personal on-site demo to compare easy, ergonomic handling and excellent performance of the TransferMan® 4m to your current solution - convince yourself.