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Quick Lid

Easy-to-use lid from NanoSoft for grid boxes during vitrification sessions to protect already frozen grids until the session is complete.

All prices exclude VAT.
Average lead time: 10 days
Product Description

The quick lid from NanoSoft is a simple way to protect already vitrified samples from ice particulate and other contamination which builds up in a dewar during sample preparation.

When placed on top of a grid box, the Quick Lid acts as a shield, keeping contamination out of the wells of the grid box. The weight of the stainless steel Quick Lid holds it in place on the grid box.

On the bottom side of the Quick Lid, there is a small pin designed to easily fits into the centre hole of the grid box, keeping it in place when positioned on the grid box, while also being small enough to be easily placed.

At the top of the Quick Lid, there is a shaped pin allowing for easy transfer with any type of tweezers.

Using the NanoSoft Quick Lid

Simply cool the Quick Lid in liquid nitrogen before placing it on the grid box. When the sample is ready to be placed in the grid box, place the Quick Lid in one of the empty grid box positions in the aluminium ring (keeping it under liquid nitrogen) and replace it after the grid is positioned.

Delivery & Returns
PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.