Cut-Off Saws - Precision Range White - Silicon Carbide
Silicon Carbide cut-off wheels suitable for use with soft and ductile non-ferrous metals, such as cast iron or stainless steel.
Silicon Carbide cut-off wheels suitable for use with soft and ductile non-ferrous metals, such as cast iron or stainless steel.
Designed to a rigorous specification, these Silicon Carbide (SiC) cut-off wheels offer the user precision cutting due to the characteristics of the binder and the quality of abrasives.
Usable on all cutting machines, these cutting wheels give a quality cut-off which reduces the subsequent finishing requirements. The low wear also significantly extends the life of the saws.
The Silicon Carbide Precision cut-off wheels (White) are designed for use on soft and ductile non-ferrous metals, such as cast iron or stainless steel.
Available diameters: 125, 150, 203, 250 & 305mm.