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Omniprobe lift-out grids offer secure mounting of TEM lamellae milled by FIB or SEM/FIB systems. The grids are typically 25 - 30µm thick, with posts designed to ensure reliable attachment of lamellae while providing an unobscured view of each section. All grids are 3mm in diameter.


7 products available

You've viewed 7 of 7 products

  1. FIB Lift Out Grids - Copper
    Lift-out TEM grids for FIB applications. Manufactured by Agar Scientific.
    Average lead time: 30 days

    From £74.36

    Average lead time: 30 days
  2. Carb-N-Grids - Carbon FIB Lift Out Grids
    Two styles of pure carbon FIB lift-out grids: 2 wide posts or 2 narrow and 2 wide posts.
    Average lead time: 1 to 30 days

    From £192.74

    Average lead time: 1 to 30 days
  3. FIB Lift-Out Grids, pack of 25 AGJ460
    These are half-grid lift-out TEM sample holders for FIB applications, made of copper/beryllium.
    In Stock
    In Stock
  4. Beryllium half-ring lift-out grids. Pack of 10 AGJ425
    Simple beryllium half-ring grid offering low etching rates for applications such as tripod polishing, FIB and ion milling.
    Average lead time: 30 days
    Average lead time: 30 days
  5. 3 post lift-out grids
    3 post lift-out grids designed for in situ lift-out. Special prices valid while stocks last. 
    Average lead time: 1 day

    From £292.02

    Average lead time: 1 day
  6. 4 post lift-out grids
    4 post lift-out grids designed for in situ lift-out.
    Average lead time: 1 to 30 days

    From £305.29

    Average lead time: 1 to 30 days
  7. 5 post lift-out grids, copper. Box of 100 AGJ422
    5 post copper lift-out grids are suitable for in situ lift-out. Copper
    Average lead time: 30 days
    Average lead time: 30 days

7 products available

You've viewed 7 of 7 products

PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.