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Diamond knives supplied by Agar Scientific are manufactured from high purity, gem quality diamonds providing a sharp, durable edge for sectioning applications in biological and materials sciences. Diatome manufacture a range knives specifically design for cryo applications, these allow:

  • Thinner cryo sections
  • Perfect cryosections from ultrathin to semi using the same knife
  • Minimal compression and best structure preservation
  • Highest quality diamonds and optimal crystal orientation guarantee perfect ultrathin sections and a durable cutting edge
CryoFor cutting in the cryo-ultramicrotome
Cryo immuneA large diamond platform facilitating pick-up of cryo sections from sucrose infiltrated samples (Tokuyasu)
Cryo 25° Low angle knife for sectioning frozen hydrated samples (CEMOVIS)
Ultra AFM & cryo AFMKnives for generating absolutely smooth and flat surfaces of biological and technical samples for the examination in AFM

A re-sharpening and exchange service is also available. Our sales team will be happy to quote for these services.


7 products available

You've viewed 7 of 7 products

  1. DiATOME Cryo Immuno - Diamond Knives
    This diamond knife has a diamond platform which ensures easy and gentle sectioning for cryo-immunocytochemistry.
    Average lead time: 44 days


    Average lead time: 44 days
  2. DiATOME Cryo 45° Diamond Knives
    The Cryo 45° knife is suited to routine cryosectioning of both biological and materials specimens.
    Average lead time: 29 days


    Average lead time: 29 days
  3. DiATOME Cryo 35° Diamond Knives
    The Cryo 35° is accepted as a standard knife for the low temperature sectioning of polymers, rubber, paints etc. It represents a balanced compromise between section quality and durability.
    Average lead time: 29 days


    Average lead time: 29 days
  4. DiATOME Cryo 25° - Diamond Knife AGG3438
    This 3mm knife has been designed for dry sectioning of frozen hydrated specimens, resulting in the least compression and best structural preservation.
    Average lead time: 29 days


    Average lead time: 29 days
  5. DiATOME Cryotrim 20 and 45 - Diamond Knives
    These extremely sharp blades ensure quick, easy and accurate trimming with minimal mechanical damage.
    Average lead time: 29 to 44 days


    Average lead time: 29 to 44 days
  6. DiATOME Cryo AFM - Diamond Knives
    This knife has been designed for surface sectioning of biological and industrial specimens for atomic force microscopy, producing extremely smooth sample surfaces, and offering the best possible structure preservation.
    Average lead time: 44 days


    Average lead time: 44 days
  7. DiATOME Histo Cryo Diamond Knives
    These 45° knives are available in boats for wet cryosectioning or triangular holders for dry cryosectioning of histology specimens.
    Average lead time: 29 days


    Average lead time: 29 days

7 products available

You've viewed 7 of 7 products

PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.